Spring 2024
Have you ever seen a tidal wave? I haven’t, but it must be terrifying to see the raw power as the ocean recedes, exposing the bottom, and then rushes in with unimaginable power. The last two years we feel like the ministries we lead have been in the receding phase of a tidal wave, God has been sucking things away that needed to be pruned. This year we are beginning to see the surge of opportunities for transformation as a new wave rushes in with Holy Spirit power, opening doors for us to plant seeds in communities we have been praying over for years.
Pavones and Puerto Viejo are both in the southern region of Costa Rica, close to the Panamanian border. Both are surf destinations and have a large expat population. In both places, New Age and indigenous belief systems have a strong following. In both places, the existing evangelical church culture is not inviting to a seeking population. We were invited to come alongside leaders in both communities to help spark a new movement there.

Dennis was able to share on Disciples making Disciples at the Free Methodist Church in Latin America youth conference in Colombia
Will you join us to ride this wave of transformation in the beach communities around the world?
We still have a deficit of $60,000 for our 2024 financial goals. Here are some of the ways you can help us meet these goals.
Pray: We are going nowhere without prayer. Pray for the existing works and for the Holy Spirit to continue to work in people’s hearts where there are still no churches. Pavones, Dominical, Puerto Viejo, Mal Pais, Playa Grande, Quepos.
Share: Share the vision with others, we are looking for more partners and contacts of people who want to start Surf Churches, if you know people who may be interested or have a beach community close to their heart that doesn’t have a surfer-friendly church please have them get in contact with us.
Give: Consider giving a one-time donation or increasing your monthly giving to help us cover the increased expenses of these new ventures. Click here to give
$200/month for visits to Pavones to support the new work there
$400/ quarterly to Puerto Viejo to support the church plant there
$600 to attend the ACTA conference in April
$5000 to help get us to the Strategic Operations meetings for Surf Church Collective in South Africa
$3000 for a scouting trip to the Dominican Republic in the fall
$5000 to take a group from Costa Rica to Mexico for the Christian Surfers regional conference in September
Go: We are looking for an individual or family to commit to coming to serve in our UNO+ centers for one year teaching English and music to at-risk kids and their families. Email [email protected] for more information.