Support God’s Work

Throughout their lives, God has been moving Dennis and Kyle Leon to ministry both in the United States and across Latin America. From Spanish language services and outreach to surfers in Santa Barbara, California to multiplying churches and providing safe places for at-risk youth and children in Esterillos, Costa Rica, the Holy Spirit continues to use them to bring about the Kingdom of God in the lives of people around the world.

Be Part of the Mission

Dennis and Kyle are commissioned as part of the Free Methodist Church 360 Mission District, leading church multiplication through Pura Vida Church, district-wide programs for children and youth through UNO+, and preparing leaders for ministry through a partnership with Asbury University. When you support their ministry, you make it possible for ministries that impact lives throughout Costa Rica and Latin America.

Local Church Development

Support for Pura Vida Church — a community of three growing, local churches — and investment in the training of local leaders. Local ministries include evangelism, support for at-risk youth, and work and recovery programs for addicts.

Leadership for UNO+

UNO+ (uno mas) works with over 200 children across 5 locations to offer tutoring, computer classes, foreign languages, art, and other extracurricular activities that complement the students’ education.

Pastoral Training

The Leons currently coordinate a cohort of 18 students, pastors, and lay leaders from across the 360 Mission District working to earn their bachelors or masters degrees (starting Fall 2023) from Asbury University with a goal of unifying churches and leaders across the 360 District.

Ways to Provide Support

Prayer Support

Missions work like this is impossible without people like you partnering with us through prayer. By joining our mailing list, you will receive regular updates about the work being done through Dennis and Kyle Leon and the Latin America Area. The newsletter also includes ways to pray for the people of Esterillos, Costa Rica.

Financial Support

Additionally, would you and your local congregation consider a sustaining gift to help continue the work being done in Costa Rica? A monthly, recurring gift allows the 360 Mission District to not only focus on the day-to-day work but also plan for additional growth opportunities.