To end the Costa Rican “summer” vacation Christian Surfers Costa Rica hosted its annual Marbella camp out. It was a great success with over 100 people in attendance for a long weekend of prayer, bible study, fellowship, fun and of course surfing. Under Dennis and his team of leaders Christian Surfers Costa Rica has grown in numbers this year as well as seeing many become spiritually mature leaders. We met new people at this event and caught up with other who work with this ministry in other parts of the country. We also brought six boys along with us from the church and they were inspired to see so many surfers who have a deep relationship with Jesus.
We were once again blessed by a group of friends from Colorado’s Flat Irons Church this month. They had come down and blessed us with a remodeled bathroom for the church in June and they loved it so much that they came back, but this time to work more intentionally building relationships not bathrooms. Besides getting to know the kids from the church, playing soccer, volleyball, surfing, sightseeing, beach bonfires and more they were able to bless Parrita with a Kid Play Day at the soccer field. We did the event in “the reformers” a tough neighborhood of government housing known for its high petty crime and armed robbery rate. We expected 50-100 people to show up but the Lord brought over 300! The miracle of the day was the multiplication of the craft that the group had prepared! Not only did the kids and their parents hear about Jesus love for them and have fun together, but we got to know them and have quite a few attending our weekly meeting in Parrita as a result.
Dependence on the Holy Spirit
If you have not seen the ways you can support the future of this ministry via mail or facebook here is your chance. We are in the first phase of becoming extended term missionaries with Free Methodist World Missions. This process requires certain interviews and training which we are hoping to do this April. What we need is about $8000 to cover the travel, interviews and training costs to begin this process. Please pray for us as this is a time of uncertaintiny as we wait on the Lord for the funds and as we work through this process of preparation. Please prayerfully consider giving to support us in continuing the work here in Costa Rica. If you are currently giving monthly please continue to do so and if you would like to make a one time donation you can send tax deductible checks to:
Free Methodist Church 1435 Cliff Dr. Santa Barbara, CA 93109 Memo: Leon family
Or you can give online thru paypal from right here on our blog:
If you are able to give at this time please let us know so that we can use the funds accordingly.
Prayer highlights:
– patience and wisdom as we parent all these boys as well as our own kids
– for the missionary process and all the details that need to be worked out
– continued health for our family
– that God sends or raises a musician in Esterillos
Thank you all for your continued love and support for our family and Costa Rica!