Young, dumb and broke Jesus called a bunch of young, dumb and broke guys to follow him. They had no training, no credentials, no experience, they were mostly uneducated and poor. Yet today, when we go about discipleship, we tend to seek out people we see as having “potential”. People who are already active Christians, who are disciplined in their study of the Bible and leading Godly lives. Jesus on the other hand, called people who had no potential and still doubted his deity after having followed him for years! One of the things about the Community Church Planting model is that it sees the potential of every person to be an active participant in the spread of the good news of Jesus Christ. Disciples making disciples, seeking out people who have a heart for Jesus, training their hands and minds to do good works. This is something the 360/Shoreline Mission District and Pura Vida Church practice locally and model internationally. Read on to see examples of this in the last 3 months.
We sent the Wells family back to Virginia to plant churches! What an amazing testimony to God’s ultimate creativity in preparing us for what He has in store for us.
In February we were able to visit many friends and ministry partners in Florida to share about how Jesus is changing lives and building his church in Costa Rica through discipleship and church planting. We visited energetic young churches and churches that had hundreds of years of wisdom and experience to share with us. Last month Dennis went to Honduras to train local pastors in the Community Church planting model. He also took a few surfboards and gave surf lessons to about 100 kids. At 63, the local pastor also rode her first wave!
Dennis also gathered with the other Americas area Christian Surfer leaders to strategize for the coming year. As well as meet with the individual leaders of the countries he oversees for Christian Surfers.
In all of this we always try to balance a healthy level of fun and family time. Here are some highlights.
Partner and Pray 360/Shoreline Mission District Support That we continue to find people of peace Pray for the Wells family as they adjust to life back in Virginia and start to look for people of peace in their community. Education opportunities for Elias as he prepares to enter high school next year Maintain healthy family rhythms with Dennis’s travel schedule Community Resource Center support That permits come in soon and we can raise enough funds to begin building