winter 2024
Come and see that the Lord is good, His mercies are new every morning.
“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age'” |
This command is for all of us, everyone who claims to follow Jesus. Whether you are making disciples in your work place, in your family, at your school, on your sports team, with your peers, in the lineup.
This is what going, baptizing and teaching has looked like for us this past year.
Christian Surfers: weekly gathings getting to see the third generation of disicples leading this ministry.
UNO+: 75+ famillies supported with afterschool care, bible club, and extracitticular activities.
La Lucha – 1000+ lunches served to people struggling with addiction
Pavones: 3000+ miles diven for monthly trips to help start a church in this bucket list beach town.
Talamanca: helping plant the seeds for two churches in strategic places on the Caribean side of Costa Rica. Puerto Viejo with the expat and surf community and Shiroles with the BriBri tribe.
Pura Vida Church Alajuela: miraculous healings and a deep desire to go leading to new groups of beleivers gathering to learn to obey.
Pura Vida Church Esterillos: creative initiatives to reach the lost like a marching band.
Surf Church Collective Stratops meeting where we clarified the role of the collective as existing to “empower people to help plant surfer friendly churches” which includes us all.
On the horizon for 2025:
Mal Pais church plant.
CS international conference in Indonesia where Dennis is a speaker.
Resident missional church planting program Fall 2025.
Surf Church visits to Nicaragau, Panama, Chile, Brazil and USA.
So thank you becuse we may have been the people going to these places and doing these things but you all made it possible through your prayers and financial support, We did these things with God for HIs glory. We look forward to the challenges and miracles that the next year will bring. The call is to the ends of the earth so lets do it, lets reach the beach with the good news that Jesus has come to save us.
A special thanks to everyone who helped us to meet our matching campaign goal!
If you would like to make a year end gift to support church planting in coastal communities its not too late!
There are now two ways to give: