The great coordinator that we serve was at it again as we traveled to Indy for a series of interviews, trainings, meetings, orientations, photo sessions and doctor appointments.

To begin with our flight from Miami to Indy was canceled, which was a bit frustrating, but who should we see while waiting for the hotel shuttle but Cal Fisher, Christian Surfer’s Latin American coordinator! His flight was also canceled and we were put up in the same hotel so we were able to have an impromptu meeting with him that night.  What a blessing it was to connect with him and see the ways God is moving through CS in Latin America.

When we finally did make it to Indy we were blessed not only by my dad coming to stay with us to watch the kids, but by the Miller family who made their house available to us for our stay there.

During our seven day stay we met with over 15 people whose job is to make sure we are the best missionaries we can be for the glory of God.  What a loving and supportive team we have behind us at Free Methodist World Missions, with years of experience and wisdom.

We are on track for officially becoming FMWM extended term missionaries in the late summer after we finish some required course work.  At that time we will be going to California to look for churches, businesses and individuals who would like to partner with us in the work that God is doing here in Costa Rica.


–          Kyle’s Grandmother Verna whose health is failing

–          continued support as well as new partners

–          thank God for the safe arrival of Sol Arthur, Kyle and Dennis’ newest nephew

–          wisdom as we plan for the future of ministry

–          leaders at FMWM as well as here in Costa Rica

–          effective evangelism during Holy week

–          healthy boundaries and use of time