You know you live in the tropics when you have to raise your voice in close conversation because of the deafening noise of the cycads.

we praise God for the generosity of our local church in Esterillos as they outfitted 36 children to go school !!! Locals helping locals, the true meaning of community development!

Yes we are back in Costa Rica!  After a month of training and partner building in Florida we are very happy to be back to the heat and the noise of the cycads.  It has been a busy week of moving back into the full swing of ministry here as well as moving back onto our home.  We had a full house this Sunday as Dennis taught  on “running the good race,” leaving our burdens and baggage behind us and striving toward all that God has for our lives.  As a ministry and family we are putting this into practice and God has been so faithful to show us all the things He has for us this year and I am sure more that we are not even aware of yet.

As many of you know we have been in the U.S. working on raising the funds needed to continue to work here in Costa Rica and although we have been released to return to Costa Rica because of extraordinary ministry opportunities at this time we have not reached our financial goal for this year.  If you have been thinking about making a monthly commitment or a onetime donation this is a great time to do that.  Go to our mission agency’s website

Please continue to pray for our family and ministry as we get back into the swing of life here.

–          Selah is on day 2 with 104 degree temp.

–          Spring small groups start next month

–          Elias transition back to public school and that he can catch up

–          As Dennis and the board choose a new national director for Christian Surfers Costa Rica

–          New ministry opportunities in Parrita

–          Ronnie the newest member of our “adopted” family as we all lean to live together (3 teenagers)

–          New leaders with new responsibilities at Pura Vida Church Esterillos

–          Productive training time with Pano and his family at Pura Vida Church Tamarindo in April


Thank you for your continuous prayer, Love Familia Leon

we praise God for the generosity of our local church in Esterillos as they outfitted 36 children to go school !!! Locals helping locals, the true meaning of community development!